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Category : Digital Marketing

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Nearly 8 years ago

Is it essential for companies and brands to be in all social networks?

When developing an online presence on social networks, it is difficult to resist the temptation to open account at all, although the really tricky

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Nearly 8 years ago

The importance and great power of brand ambassadors

Getting a brand stand out and make a well in the minds of consumers is increasingly difficult. Customers are continually exposed to a multitude

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Nearly 8 years ago

Great myths of Social Media companies should know

The Social Media Marketing is surrounded by many myths and falsehoods, usually by people who have no knowledge about social media marketing and how

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Nearly 8 years ago

Social media is already the most powerful tool to listen and connect with customers and consumers

55% of senior executives point out that social media have impacted and influenced the results of its business operations mainly in terms of listening

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Nearly 8 years ago

70% of young people talk and share information about brands in social networks

The marks are very present in the daily activity that takes place in social networks. InSites Consulting data show that 7 out of 10 millennials

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Nearly 9 years ago

The mobile will be an essential channel to reach consumers

There are an estimated 1,400 million smartphones in the world, a device to which we dedicate an average of 2 hours a day, divided

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Nearly 9 years ago

YouTube wins the game as the social platform with greater impact on e-commerce

Social networks help to drive sales. They serve as a means through which impact to users during the process. Buyers to target them for

Nearly 9 years ago

25% of consumers would not do business with marks left unanswered questions on social networks

Not all social media users are convinced that the connections and relationships with companies in social networks will be more than just a passing

Nearly 9 years ago

Making a successful viral marketing campaign

In a globalized world like today, it is vital to use effective strategies for the company to be truly competitive in the market. Technology

Nearly 9 years ago

Traditional vs. New marketing techniques communication, how we changed?

What is communication? According to the traditional definition, it is successful to get a message to a receiver via a channel to share with