The importance of silicone in our daily lives is quite extraordinary. If you ask most people what silicone is, they will tell you it is used as a waterproof seal in the bathroom. Well it is, but much more besides. This amazing material can be found literally everywhere in the home, in industry, in construction and in every electronic contraption and computer you own. What makes silicone special is its unique and varied properties. It is strong but at the same time elastic. It conducts heat but at the same time can resist very high temperatures – even fire.
All those electronic gadgets that you rely on, from your mobile phone to the washing machine and the hairdryer, rely on silicone to make them work. Silicone provides the vital insulation to stop an electrical short circuit, and at the same time it protects appliances from moisture and heat.
The aviation industry would not be able to cope without silicone. As you sit comfortably in the pressurised cabin of a plane thousands of feet up in the sky, admiring the view below, spare a thought for the silicone seal round the window keeping you safe. Because of its durability, elasticity and strength, modern aircraft can endure the rigours of flight, day after day, literally for years.
At Home
Take a look round the kitchen at home. Apart from the sink, you will find examples of silicone moulding everywhere. From the washing-up bowl to the laundry basket, it all started life as a mould. And where would we be without our non-stick pots and pans? It’s thanks to silicone that we are not all slaves to scouring after scrambled eggs. See for more information.
Silicone also lends itself wonderfully to brightening up our daily lives. All those vibrant colours you can choose from to paint your home rely on silicone. It’s not just the colours that are enhanced: the paints we use nowadays are much longer-lasting, meaning you don’t have to redecorate the home so often.
Another of the truly outstanding qualities of silicone is its resistance to bacteria. Imagine for a moment your local surgery or hospital. Keeping things clean in that kind of environment is vital. Most of the bits and pieces, from syringes to prosthetics, are made with silicone.