Spring is in the air and finally we are able to breathe a sigh of relief after what has been a particularly hard winter. If you are feeling it is all a bit too much one of the best things that you can do for your mental wellbeing is to get out and about and take in the beauty of nature.
At this time of the year, it is a particularly lovely time, as the hope that we are all starting to feel is reflected in the natural world. Remember that although it is nearly springtime the air can still be quite chilly so shop Aran sweaters for a cosy and comfortable walk.
Here are some of the signs of spring that you might see…
Bees – As the earth starts to warm up, the queen bees who have been tucked away in the warm for the winter start to emerge and look for a place to start their new colony. One of the most joyful signs of the spring and summer returning is the gentle hum of the bees.
Flowers – Spring bursts into colour now as we start to see the woodland flowers emerge – daffodils are a popular favourite with their jolly bright colours heralding the end of the winter. You may also spot wood anemones if you are in the woods.
Birds – The world of birds becomes busy in the spring as they hurry to build nests for their young and look for a mate. The hunt for a mate can be heard early in the morning with the dawn chorus – the beautiful birdsong in the spring.