How Will Technology Help the Construction Industry in 2020?
It is without doubt that the UK construction industry is experiencing great technological shifts which are changing the way the industry works.
Get more customer reviews with these approaches
Customer reviews can be a company’s best method of marketing, and more and more people are relying on word of mouth. We have all
Nail these productivity tips to get more done
Increasing productivity is often about working ‘smarter’ rather than harder or longer. Some ‘easy wins’ are outlined below.
The remain camp was backed by Unilever chief
The end to the biggest question currently hanging over the UK – when are we going to leave? – Well folks it’s at the
Top social media channels you should be using
Social media has revolutionised the way we communicate. Both with our friends and family but also with our prospective and current clients and customers.
If your mobility scooter needs a new battery, it can seem like a bit of a minefield. Deciding which battery you want may seem
Every employee should take these refresher courses
It’s very easy for employers to provide induction training to new staff but forget existing staff need training too. Depending on your industry, some
Embrace modern training methods in your business
Ongoing training of staff is highly beneficial to your organisation. Knowledgeable and well-trained staff are a great asset, and employers who offer training are
How chatbots will change the future of websites
Chatbots are becoming increasingly common as a form of online customer service, but just how influential are they likely to be in terms of
The Construction Industry of the Future and Drones Playing a Major Role
Most of us will be familiar with drones, and their role within the construction industry is becoming increasingly important. Even though this is currently