If you’re having trouble finding a home, it may be better to stay where you are. In this case, you should consider your reasons for moving. If you can, consider if remodelling or extending your home will solve the problem.
If you have a garage, loft or outside space in your house, it may be possible to add more living space. You may also be able achieve your goals by simply reconfiguring the rooms. For example, knocking down a wall to create a large dining-kitchen. When you need Builders Bristol, visit https://www.mogfordprescott.co.uk/builders-bristol
Does it add value to the product?
The value of a property with two bedrooms that has been converted into three bedrooms is much higher. Even a few metres of extension at the ground floor can add value. Other building work, like an additional downstairs toilet, may only result in marginal gains.
Financial return
If you don’t plan to stay in your current location for a long time, you might want to get the planning permission but not build the extension. Planning consent can add a lot more value to your property than it costs, which will allow you to make a quick profit. If you are planning to stay for a longer period of time, it is more beneficial to build an extension to your home. Property prices will increase with time. You will also have enjoyed the added space, comfort, and quality of living for many years.
Relaxed planning rules
Permitted Development Rights make it easier to construct an extension. In 2013, the government introduced temporary rules that allowed homeowners to build small extensions without having to submit an entire planning application. In May 2019, these relaxed rules became permanent. Under PDR, you can build an extension to the rear of a semi-detached or terraced house up to six metres and a detached home up to eight metres.