In recent years, electric cars have become huge on the market, seeing a 40 per cent year-on-year increase in 2023. At this same year’s end, around 850,000 electric vehicles were on the roads.
Sales have slowed down a little since then, but this rapid growth in the industry means there’s been a greater call for charging infrastructure. There are currently just under 50,000 points for the public to charge their vehicles at, but the government is hoping for six times as many by the decade’s end.
To achieve this, electricians are expected to play a huge role in this scheme. A £381 million fund intended to support installations means there will be no shortage of jobs during this time.
Alongside this huge fund, the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles – or OZEV – are offering a grant that helps individuals and businesses to get EV charging points installed. The grant varies depending on your situation, but includes a grant for renters and flat owners, a grant for businesses and their car parks and even a grant for landlords to get points installed in residential properties.
Most training courses are fairly comprehensive and will vary on how long they take to complete. In the meantime, make sure you get professional services instead of trying the DIY route. You can find plenty of services for an Exeter electrician online, such as
Specific training for installing EV charging points will require specialist courses that target the installation and servicing of the specific model, which may vary from company to company.
As for home installations, this will require careful attention, as considerations such as voltage requirements, circuit protection and general safety and compliance will need to be noted. Again, we’d recommend professional services if this is what you’re after. If you do opt for specific training, it’s worth knowing that your experience will be able to take you elsewhere. There are countless commercial projects available right now, and maintenance will always be needed, meaning this field is expected to do very well in the coming years.