Wool is our friend during the winter months. Known for its unique texture and durability, wool is one of the longest-standing fabrics in fashion. With evidence that wool selection began as early as 6000 BC, how sustainable is this fabric?
Wool’s life cycle
The good news is that wool offers plenty of benefits when it comes to fashion and sustainability.
In terms of the environment, wool production can easily align with sustainable agricultural practices. Wool is a biodegradable material, meaning it breaks down naturally at the end of its life cycle; as a result, the carbon footprint of your woolly mens Irish fisherman sweater is next to nothing compared to most other fabrics. Landfills and synthetic fibres are a growing concern for our planet, but wool naturally breaks down when it comes to the end of its life cycle.
The perfect insulator
Wool is also the perfect natural insulator thanks to its superior thermal properties. When you choose to wear your woolly mens Irish fisherman sweater from a retailer such as https://shoparan.com/mens-aran-sweaters/mens-fisherman-sweaters/ indoors this spring, you will not only reduce the need for indoor heaters but also save a fair bit on your heating bill.
A reliable resource
With sheep producing fleece annually, wool production can be a sustainable fashion resource; however, wool harvesters need to make sure they are looking after the animals both physically and mentally to ensure sustainable wool production. This means using ethical shearing practices to minimise animal stress and providing adequate shelter and nutrition.
A standout choice
Wool is a standout choice when it comes to sustainable fashion choices. Its natural insulating properties coupled with its next-to-nothing environmental impact mean that wool not only brings warmth but also a more sustainable future. Pack your wardrobe with wool jumpers and reap the benefits.