Millions of people daily seek information on diseases, personal and business data, tourism destinations … but is it reliable what they find?
In this regard, Beatriz Sutil, audiovisual-digital documentalist at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), points out three actions that we must follow:
For Sutil, if we are betting on more reliable social networks, “the figure of the Community Manager should be that of a professional who dominates communication and information technologies.”
In his opinion, the information on the Internet is “infinite and complex, and needs a comprehensive treatment. Documentalists add value through their control and treatment, making it easy for users to retrieve it at any time. ”
Ana Eznarriaga, a worker from UNIR’s Community Manager department and journalist 2.0, adds that “social networks help us find more current and reliable information.” To find reliable information, “the immediacy of the news and the distribution of it in the different channels are key elements”.
According to her, “a good Community Manager allows information to be open in their networks, both negative and positive; Of course, always within the legal limits of the network. ”
Eznarriaga gives three recommendations to guarantee the reliability in the information that the surfer searches:
According to Eznarriaga, “a profile or forum where we only find positive information will not only be unreliable, but the professionalism of its moderator will be questionable.”
“The task of finding good information is similar to writing a good article: research, find the best sources and contrast the information,” he concludes.