If you do not want to forget events, meetings or birthdays, leverages Google Calendar, you remember every moment everything Agenda.
Using Google’s Agenda
The Internet giant, Google provides numerous tools and items that make life easier for all users. Among them, we can organize our files (including photos, videos, text and more), and also avail ourselves of their services phonebook, calendar and reminders.
How to create our agenda on Google
To use the option calendar reminders, we must open an account at Google (on the main page, top right is the link “Login”). Create an account in the search engine is simple and free. With it we have access to all your applications, such as email and of course, the Google Calendar.
Once opened our account, we will have the option to access the Calendar (or calendar) between Google applications. The find above the main page, click on the link “More”.
With the calendar we can display the week, month, or day in question (default will open in the day, week or month present), selecting the display buttons you want.
Schedule an event or reminder
To create an event, a reminder, or a date that we want to emphasize , we will click on the day (if we’re viewing full month or week), or at the desired time (if we’re displaying only that day), moving to Thumbnail through the calendar displayed at the top left of the screen.
When we click on the day or the hour, a dialogue (a small window) that prompted us to enter the event name appears. We can write it on the spot, or select the option to edit the details to customize.
Event Properties on the agenda
When we entered the edit details, we can set the name of the event and its features. For example, we establish from what date to what date will remain active event or alarm time. We may also determine if repeated (daily, weekly, monthly, or annually), and the type of alarm you want: we can choose to remember us by a window that appears, or by email.
Among other details, with Google calendar we can set the privacy level to give the event public or private. When we determined the details, we click OK and Google Calendar will remind us to advance and mechanical listed on this event, lest we forget birthdays, appointments, meetings or any activity in our daily lives.