Not for being the most popular social network there is always the few unique and most suitable for any brand. Social media specialists never tire of repeating that we must adapt the social media strategy to target brand.And if this is young and too well prepared to make public the Millennial generation, we must look beyond Facebook.
Millennials (under 30 years) love fashion, but its inspiration to buy does not come from Facebook. They have more influence on their decisions blogs and forums are gaining ground fashion and more visual social networks. So says the latest study of the company “social intelligence” NetBase and Edison Research, which concludes that in this generation are “social shoppers” social buyers. Confirms a very wide 83% of 18- to 24-year-old confesses consult at least one social platform before deciding on the disbursement in at least one category of fashion. In addition to 24% of them would not mind paying a higher order to be the first to have a new product price. Is that high or low percentage? High when compared with 15% of the average users of social networks that confesses to be willing to do the same.
For the study took a sample of more than a thousand women using social networks. 17% of them are between 18 and 24, the heart of the generation we are analyzing. They are for commenting their purchases of clothing and fashion with their friends and are heavily influenced by the feedback that they give. The percentage of social buyers within the Millennial generation is 28%, almost twice the proportion of social shoppers there among the general female public.
It is fair to acknowledge that Facebook is still the most used social network by this young and technologically native generation, but is not that accumulates the most power to influence their purchases. As mentioned, the blogs and fashion forums are an almost obligatory consultation. Just take a look at the long list of comments that usually each entry of the ego-bloggers most famous fashion of the moment, to get an idea of his popularity and influence. 63% of young Millennial see a blog to draw on at least one of the categories studied fashion.
Contrary to what many brands may assume, the second platform in the ranking of influence is not Facebook, but Pinterest. The attractive power of visual marketing in this generation is quite high, especially in the categories of fashion accessories, clothes for special occasions and everyday clothes.58% of Millennials see options for inspiration for her outfit at least one of these categories.
After blogs and Pinterest, 54% of respondents noted Facebook as a source of inspiration. Then another image – based social network, Instagram, and most recently, Twitter.
The social profile of the small study on this particular target is quite clear.Facebook is important among Millennials but brands interested in this public should not rely exclusively future this platform. Pinterest and Instagram should be seriously taken into account in the strategy that trace the company and make a considerable effort in the visual marketing, which has become an increasing trend, not only because of its influence within this segment of the population, but because images and videos are having a strong power of attraction in all consumers.