Although Americans are the world’s largest consumers of Smartphones and tablets, their response to mobile ads is very poor. According to the study conducted by Nielsen in the third quarter of last year, users in Germany, Italy and the United States responded much more favorably to the ads than the Americans, by clicking on them, looking for more information or even making a purchase.
Only 20% of the US users of smatphone decide to make a purchase from their computer after seeing the ad on their mobile phone compared to 34% of German users, 28% of English or 27% of Italians. Another representative figure is 27% of Italians who do a search after having seen the ad on their mobile phone in front of 11% of North Americans.
It is true that English users are far less receptive than the rest of the countries studied in Europe, they are much less predisposed to the strategies used by companies but they are still more receptive than Americans in any of the categories.
Nielsen has also studied the case by dividing consumers between Smartphone users and tablet users. The data shows that North American tablet users respond slightly better to ads than smartphone users. For example, 16% of tablet users decide to make a purchase in a store after seeing an ad on their device, in the case of smartphones the figure drops to 6%.
When viewing a complete advertisement for a product you can also see the differences, 24% of tablet users see it compared to 11% of those with smartphones. This could have to do with the comfort of screen offered by the tablets in front of the small screen of smartphones.
Another possibility that is discussed in Nielsen is that the novelty is a factor to be taken into account. Tablets, smartphones and mobile phone announcements are a novelty for European consumers compared to North Americans or even among some European countries that have been using this technology for a longer time. An example is the data they offer regarding the growth in millions of dollars of these devices in different countries. While in the United Kingdom this year there is an expenditure on announcements on mobile devices of 314.7, in Spain it does not reach 60 million dollars (59.1). Each country is growing at a different pace and as you can see in the table the biggest increase will come from Germany, with 68.5% growth.
Thanks to the data collected by the company InsightExpress we also know the opinion of American consumers of smartphones about the ads. It seems that his idea already more than formed and in general show cynicism and indifference. Although they are still making themselves known, the truth is that 21% of Americans surveyed say they hate them while another 21% say that they bother a little. Although the highest data, 32%, says that neither likes or dislikes and only 13% say they enjoy a lot with them.