Consumers increasingly value customization by the actions of brands, essential to keep them beside requirement.
According to the report Gigya, 2 out of 3 consumers have dropped from the list of those brands that send irrelevant information. We live in a world dominated by infoxication, users are exposed to a constant saturation, a multitude of impacts, proposals and all kinds of stimuli competing for a single purpose: your attention.
Therefore, their experience has led them to be increasingly demanding, and only willingly accept that content directly related to their interests.
This attitude against oriented information does not go beyond the cancellation of the subscription list. 43% of consumers aggrieved by an irrelevant message showed its intention to ignore future communications from the brand.
32% also said their decision to stop visiting the website of the company, or not to use your corporate app. Even 20% was willing to stop buying brand products. All this caused by not sending them useful content.
In the era of Big Data, it is difficult to understand that brands have not yet begun to make good use of the valuable information they have at their fingertips, provided by the customers themselves.
Big Data is not applicable only to the optimization of marketing strategies, or to know the evolution of the shares; i.e. the use of data is not solely aimed at improving data, but this information allows a complete picture of the target audience and knows their interests, concerns, expectations?
Consequently, far from subjugating customers with proposals made at the discretion, should be more concerned about listening to the customer, know, and work to ensure a positive experience, targeted to your interests.