Coupons and offers are still two elements that have a great importance when it comes to encouraging mobile commerce.
Analyzing a recent comScore (UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper) barometer, coupons are still very close to the top spot on the mobile buyers’ interest list.
After the possibility of buying online and being able to make the returns directly in the store, the next element that attracts more to the online shoppers of the stores is the possibility of having coupons and promotions for 47% of the participants in the survey.
A large percentage (41%) of tablet owners also show their preference for the applications of the stores when increasing the possibilities of buying online.
Another element that interests mobile buyers (37%) is the possibility of completing a purchase in a store using their mobile device, which implies some kind of mobile payment.
And while many buyers are using their phones inside the stores to conduct searches and obtain information on the same pages of shops, 36% are interested in the possibility of having a specific application.
It is interesting to note that a significant number of buyers are interested in having larger screens in stores, this is so for 25% of the participants in the study that comment they would like to have some type of kiosk within the trade Where to look for products.
Within the idea of carrying out the complete operation, almost a quarter (23%) of the buyers want to have the possibility of starting the online purchase and finishing it inside the same store.
Of the participants in the study, 59% have a smartphone and 40% of a tablet.