In the business world, to work together in Tandem simply means to work closely, in a coordinated way with another company in order to allow the combined strengths of both businesses to help the original company to grow. Coordinating their efforts to achieve a shared goal, despite remaining separate entities, they aim to provide a better product or service to customers at the end of their affiliation. Synonyms of “Working in Tandem” include “together” and “unitedly”, this simple phrase sums up perfectly what an experienced, professional, reputable Business Growth Consulting Services such as can achieve. Other similar phrases for working in Tandem are, “In Unison”, “In Collaboration”, “In Conjunction”, “In Partnership” and “In Co-operation”. For example, two different people or two separate pieces of equipment can work together in tandem to achieve a positive result. Working as a cohesive team, using the years of experience of the Business Growth Consulting Services to encourage and nurture the newer, less experienced company to grow and thrive. A strategic alliance between a smaller and less experienced company and a well-established advisor who will coach and mentor them until they are ready to stand alone. A company may also enter into a strategic alliance with an advisor or mentor to expand into a new market, develop an edge over competitors or enlarge its product line.
Just like two people riding a Tandem Bicycle, they have to coordinate their movements and their efforts to ensure the bike moves forward safely.