Telemarketing, that word so hated by companies. Generally when we think about Telemarketing, those heavy calls come to mind that we receive during the week, offering new mobile, fixed, gas, electricity, insurance, alarms, etc … In which telemarketers have a script and mechanically read it, without a great deal of interest and without much skill when refuting arguments.
This is the telemarketing of big consumption that is managed from the big Call-Centers where hundreds of people morning and afternoon do not cease in their determination to get new clients. For us it is anti-telemarketing. But, there is another type of telemarketing really effective. The telemarketing that is done to attract potential business to business clients, but following a well structured strategy.
This does work and, not only that, but in times of recession like the one we are experiencing, it is a very good commercial tool. We present the basic steps to carry out a successful Telemarketing campaign: 1st.Select the target audience. We can not contact everyone, so it is important to analyze the client portfolio and select that segment of companies that I want to address.
We must also define who will be our interlocutor, that is, with whom we have to talk to get the visit (for example, the purchasing director, the production manager, etc ??) 2nd. Search the Database (BBDD). Today we will not find any perfect BBDD in the market, in all of them we will find obsolete data. This is normal, since the pace we live makes changes in companies go faster than the BBDD.
Therefore, a good debugging of the BBDD.3º is important. Elaborate Contact Arguments. We will define in it how we want to present ourselves to the companies, services that we offer, examples of work done and the reason why they should grant us a visit. 4th Training Teleoperadoras. The person making the calls will be one of the keys to success. For this reason, not only must the contact argument be perfectly known, but it must also have skills to be able to counteract negative, long, excuses, etc.5º.
Make the Calls. The moment of truth arrives, after a test test that validates our argument, we will be in a position to initiate contacts. If the above has been done correctly, it is only a matter of calling, insisting, and continuing to call at the hours in which they request the contact. With these five simple steps, success is assured.
Everything and that, there are companies that prefer to outsource this service so that it is developed by a specialized company and thus focus its commercial team in the realization of the visits and the monitoring of clients and budgets. This is also a good option, considering that the costs of a Telemarketing Business to Business campaign are affordable.