Employees of a brand can become your unconditional ambassadors Who better to recommend a brand that people who are more linked to it, which spend much of the day?
We can not deny that these are people of flesh and blood, acting as consumers, have a social environment, and share opinions and recommendations as any other mortal.
Therefore, if the company is able to feed their corporate pride, to get really integral part of the company feel, could become not only motivated workers, but faithful defenders of the organization to which they belong, and, thus the brand they represent.
This sense of belonging can be transmitted through their social profiles.Certainly an idea that, on paper, it seems perfect, but which inevitably carries risks and requires adequate preparation. The article from Business News Daily includes practical recommendations to keep in mind when using employees as speaker of the company in the Social Media:
But beware, Businesses should simply not use employees as mere announcers. On the one hand, it would be unnatural behavior, by staff of the company; otherwise, their own contacts would discard this attitude. Also, it is a voluntary activity, the result of a real commitment to the brand.We can not force our people to speak well of us in social networks.
Therefore, it is advisable to raise awareness among employees of the importance of their role, both within the company, as the impact of their actions on a personal level. In case you really are involved, we offer training about proper use of social networks and introduce Social Media strategy of the brand; emphasizing those aspects related to its function.
This activity 2.0 employees not only benefits the company, it helps to position employees as “official spokesmen” brand. An attribute that it will increase its relevance to the gallery, could be useful in any situation, you need to contact a company representative. Your personal brand will link to the company. Hence the need for these employees of the importance of their role awareness, and provide appropriate training.
Being a voluntary gesture, at the same momentous for the company, it is necessary to establish a set of guidelines and recommendations in order that this activity be productive for all groups involved.
On the one hand, it is important that employees feel free to access play that role, the responsibility that entails. They also need to feel fully identified with that function. Therefore, they have to speak under his own voice, speaking in their own language; without reproducing the message of the organization.
This is some reluctance to privacy, and openness to adopt a position in favor of the company. Consider that they will completely merge their personal and professional life; an effort that should not be considered as a sacrifice, but as a step in their professional development, which will benefit.