Schools and other educational establishments are the pinnacle of the way in which we teach our young people. There are lots of different ways in which young people are taught and when it comes to choosing a school, the children and their parents will often take a tour of the school and will look at the information that is available on Websites for schools. Whilst schools may differ in terms of how they structure their day and the ways in which they go apart imparting knowledge, they will all be following the National Curriculum.
The original National Curriculum for England was introduced in 1988 as a result of the Education Reform Act. It set a number of subjects and standards within these, that all primary and secondary schools must follow. This was introduced as a way to ensure that all children were given the same opportunities when it came to the subjects and knowledge that was shared with them during their school years. The curriculum sets out the topics within each subject studied at school and identifies key standards that they need to reach at each level.
Over the years there have been a number of changes to the curriculum and the latest one in use was overhauled in 2014. There have been a number of assessments that have been introduced such as the Year 2 and 6 SATs and more recently a Year 4 times table assessment.